A man's life is like a drop of dew on a leaf - Socrates

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My favorite board games. . .

I seem to be into lists lately, oh well, here it goes. . .

Monopoly - I love this classic game! Like most well loved games it comes with a ton of great memories. When I was young, my best friend and I would play Monopoly all the time when we would go to his cabin in Brighton and his cabin in Idaho. I played the game occasionally with my family. And I play it now when I get the chance. Many don't like it because "it takes too long!" If you stay focused and play by the rules, most games finish in two hours or less. However, I don't mind a leisurely and long game with food, good friends and great conversation.

Risk - This is the game I loved playing with my Dad and brothers! Dad would usually win. Then the siblings got smart and renamed the game Eliminate Dad. I had a brother in law who would get two or three games of Risk going at the same time during a family holiday get together and that was a lot of fun. I have had hours of fun playing this game.

Chess - My Dad taught me chess. I went on to compete in the Roland Hall St. Marks School and win for my grade (but not overall). I won first place at the Bryant Jr. High chess tournament. I loved helping out the deaf students in New York with the "Chess in the Schools" program. In fact, the coordinator for the program (former CEO of NBC) gave me a tournament mat and chess set which is my favorite to this day. I do have a cool collection of chess sets including an Aztec design from Mexico and a skull army with a hand made board. It has been too long since I have played, much less played seriously, so I don't know how I would do. . .but perhaps we should play a match.

Stratego - I played this with my brother all the time when I was growing up. I could occasionally get my Mom to play me a game. Gotta love the bombs, the spy, the scouts, the bluffing, boasting, and blowing up. The game is more dynamic than you might think and lives up to its name.

Settlers of Catan - I was only introduced to this game a few weeks ago but what a great game! I am excited to get it for my family.

Connect Four - I am great at this game and played it all the time with my cousins in Arizona at the family reunions. This game of Tic Tac Toe on crack is simple but a master at teaching the subtle art of misdirection and double jeopardy. A great precursor to same principles in Chess.

1 comment:

Ki said...

Chess is my second favorite game.

Pente is my absolute favorite game.