Lately I have been checking out the "blogs of note". The folks at Blogspot pick out a blog they like each day and post the link in their dashboard list. I have been fascinated by there selection. I wonder what criteria they use to evaluate and decide between blogs? Do they decide together or do they rotate who picks? If they rotate. . . one of the staff has a food fetish, there are many blogs of note on food and recipes. Another has an animal thing. But there is a surprising variety blogs and from surprising places around the world. I am inspired by this vast sampling of things people blog about and why, from the serious to the silly.
In fact, I aspire to be a blog of note! (Ok, so I am not the romantic artist type who only does his craft for self expression and gratification.) Oh great Bloggods choose me! Acknowledge and affirm me. . . a solitary voice in a cybersea of blogspotty posts. I'm an anonymous social curiosity (cheesy grin).
Oh well, check it out if you get the chance, there are some intriguing gems in that list.
I think you're a blog of note--but considering the more sensitive nature of your blog, perhaps some anonymity should be welcomed.
Aaaah, thank you.
Too true. . .
Yours is a blog of note to me :)
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