Occasionally, I need solitude. I think most people probably do or at least would benefit if they took some. Every couple of months I take some time and just do something I want to do. I'll take myself out to dinner and a movie. I will go hang out at the library or a museum.
I think part of this drive is recapturing the feeling of being "free", accountable only to myself . . . if only for a couple of hours. Another aspect is the soul cleansing effect of quite solitude. I don't know how or why, but a couple hours of shutting out clutter, stress, and outside influence can do volumes to restoring perspective, resolve, and balance. I think it also helps tap your deeply creative side.
For all these reasons and more, I love occasional solitude.

Amen, brother. Amen.
I'm totally with you, and counting down the days until I can treasure my alone time, AND enjoy good company.
But for now . . . the toddlers.
This is an important priciple... I had forgotten about it... maybe I should take some time!
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