Yet another foggy day in London. . .er, I mean Salt Lake City. It has been really foggy in the Salt Lake Valley for the past two days.

As you can see, you lose visibility after about a hundred yards and less in some places.
I think fog is emotionally stirring. Serene, nostalgic. . .mysterious. . . "Retard the Sun with gentle mist" as RF would say. I have never been gloomy due to fog, quite the opposite actually. I have impulses to write, to get a fireplace roaring, grab hot coco, read a book, stuff like that. I might feel differently if it were foggy all the time but as is, I thoroughly enjoy being foggy.
All those interested in moving to some nice place in AZ?
Are you crazy! AZ is hotter than the blazes. . . the crime rate is so low because Satan won't even go there!
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