I seem to be into lists lately, oh well, here it goes. . .
Monopoly - I love this classic game! Like most well loved games it comes with a ton of great memories. When I was young, my best friend and I would play Monopoly all the time when we would go to his cabin in Brighton and his cabin in Idaho. I played the game occasionally with my family. And I play it now when I get the chance. Many don't like it because "it takes too long!" If you stay focused and play by the rules, most games finish in two hours or less. However, I don't mind a leisurely and long game with food, good friends and great conversation.

Chess - My Dad taught me chess. I went on to compete in the Roland Hall St. Marks School and win for my grade (but not overall). I won first place at the Bryant Jr. High chess tournament. I loved helping out the deaf students in New York with the "Chess in the Schools" program. In fact, the coordinator for the program (former CEO of NBC) gave me a tournament mat and chess set which is my favorite to this day. I do have a cool collection of chess sets including an Aztec design from Mexico and a skull army with a hand made board. It has been too long since I have played, much less played seriously, so I don't know how I would do. . .but perhaps we should play a match.

Settlers of Catan - I was only introduced to this game a few weeks ago but what a great game! I
am excited to get it for my family.

Connect Four - I am great at this game and played it all the time with my cousins in Arizona at the family reunions. This game of Tic Tac Toe on crack is simple but a master at teaching the subtle art of misdirection and double jeopardy. A great precursor to same principles in Chess.

1 comment:
Chess is my second favorite game.
Pente is my absolute favorite game.
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