Which brings me to my blog. . .increasingly this is becoming my practice at writing for myself. I started with a steady readership of fifteen plus and now I am down to an average of four. Of that, only two comment regularly with spikes on controversial posts. This has led me to realize (dramatic adventure themes playing in the background) I am secret agent, James Blogger!

While it is cool to be a stealthy, sly blogger guy. . . it does make me wonder if I am interesting. I have been writing only what I have in me to write, what goes on in my head. I guess when the curiosity of my lifestyle fades away. . . I am just an average guy thinking average thoughts and putting them down in an average way.
BTW, James Bond was the clear favorite (3 to 1) over Xander Cage for the "coolest agent" straw poll. I wonder how James Blogger would fare?
I do enjoy reading what you write. I just do not often feel the need to comment. But I know how it is to faithfully post blogs every week--or whenever--without any proof that anyone reads them. It can be discouraging. Keep it up, anyway.
Thanks anonymous, I will then. By the way, you are fountain of great quotes!
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