I suppose most people who have a taste for laying word to the page flirt with the idea of becoming an author. I know I have dabble with with the notion off and on since the fourth grade when I wrote about the sinister "XYZ Affair" from the American Revolution. I have several scraps of paper, a notebook, a notepad with jotted ideas. There is this faint stirring within whispering their is a book inside waiting to emerge.
I have yet to make a serious attempt at producing something. I know I should just write and rework it later. . .but the blank screen is there in front of me and the nagging is still within.
What is my motivation? Does it matter? Does anyone care? Does it matter if anyone cares?
Should I write non-fiction? Perhaps short stories or a children's book? No, no, I got it. . . a blog.

Your blogs are great to read. I think you should consider writing childrens storys as well. I know the few you have done so far our children (and me to) have really loved! I would love to see more \"/
You know what--blogging is what I do. It's an awesome little art form all it's own.
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