When I was a child, being sick meant I could skip school, lay around, eat Popsicles, and drink ginger ale. Not a bad deal and certainly worth the improvised cough and sniffles if I just wanted a break from it all. What is more, I actually got some rest.
As an adult, no such luck. Each day away from work due to illness usually means three times as much work when you get back. Rest is reduced by a factor of ten for each child at home. (This has to be really hard on a stay at home parent, especially when the other is gone to work) There is very little pay off in faking sick as it usually causes more problems rather than give a much need break or an extra party day. In the end, I usually get more sick contemplating a day out ill than I do actually being ill so I end up working anyway. There is something to be said for working from an easy chair in pajamas though.
Now it is your turn. . . vote on my poll and send me a comment. How often do you fake sick? What have you done on a day out sick? Have you ever been caught?
I knew we got it from somewhere.
But, if you're sick right now too, then maybe we gave it to your kids who gave it to you.
Ah, who cares. Sniffle. Cough.
I usualy call in "sick" if it's a need. Like I need to catch up on projects, work or I will tank at college unless I take a day to really catch up like I need to. Sick is hardly rest, and usually to take care of my needs or my wifes.
Andy, I noticed wifes was plural... I had no idea, welcome to the club!
you faker you!
I have not faked sickness since I was a child, but I have stayed home when I was not really sick enough that I could not have worked. When my children were small, I would go to work to get some rest! The demands on my stamina were less.
darn my work ethic, or lack there of I have faked sick a couple times normally it is becuase I was just to tired to go in and most of the time I am honest about it I just tell em I would be no good at work because of lack of sleep and let em know I am not going in and they say OK. but I can feel for you when you talk about more troubble than it is worth some times one day pay makes a big diffrence in the bills.
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