Nate Notes
The new wisdom of breaking down walls challenges the conventional wisdom of "good fences make good neighbors." True wisdom lies in discerning which boundaries to respect and which boundaries to reach across to bridge a divide.
Nate Notes
The new wisdom of breaking down walls challenges the conventional wisdom of "good fences make good neighbors." True wisdom lies in discerning which boundaries to respect and which boundaries to reach across to bridge a divide.
Some of the comments brought out questions or comments that I would like to respond to.
Ki said, "I would like to hear more about what the difference between consensual and abuse type are. Not many people understand that there is a non-abuse type polygamy."I wonder what these girls will think when Officer Friendly comes to school and passes out plastic badges and coloring books?
Is it lame to criticize the unjust exercise of power by those in authority?
As a hypothetical situation, how many would think I was having fun and being lame if I criticize officials who rolled into the Village in Manhattan with tanks, riot gear, and automatic weapons then placed under custody all the children of homosexuals and their biological parents, while arresting a few of the life partners? I wonder, would the same judge and executive officials do the same to a gay community-- because of a phone call?! Why should I refrain from branding as hypocrite a legislator to craft bills that specifically targeting the minority alternative lifestyle of polygamy but wouldn't dare do the same to other minority alternative lifestyles that are more generally accepted and empathized with by the public? Where are the task forces established by state attorney generals, governors, and funded by the state legislatures to stigmatize other entire minority groups and specifically target and prosecute them?
At no time did I imply that the entire nation was bigoted. I invite you to carefully read my post again. I did emphatically state it is bigotry to jail polygamists for bigamy.
To close on an up note, I am grateful for all the comments and viewpoints (even if they stir me up). It is good for me to find out what they are and learn from them. I hope some of my responses stir your feelings and cause you to think deeply about some fundamental (no pun intended) and complex issues. As good ol' Socrates put it, "The unexamined life is not worth living."
Thank you and keep the comments coming!
Traditional values and chivalry are strong among my readers. . . anonymous carried the sentiment of my commenteers with "It depends who asks who on the date. If it's the guy's idea he better own it."
I have given you some of my favorites, what are some great cheap dates you have been on? Leave me your list in the comments!
Pookah after surgery
Pookah's first cast
Pookah on the move
This will inject some variety and life back into my blog. So keep your fingers crossed for me and keep checking my blog.
Nate Notes
Franks Lloyd Wright said, "Give me the luxuries of life and I will willingly do without the necessities."
I am not encouraging fiscal recklessness. I am saying that a little luxury here and there can breathe some needed joy in life. A luxury doesn't always have to be expensive either, rather it should be well chosen.
Abundance to you and yours throughout your life. . .